
Mortal kombat chaotic wiki
Mortal kombat chaotic wiki

Shao Kahn then stands up, rips you off the sword and then says "Thanks for the help." Quin Chi then teleports you two to the bottom of the pit where Shao Kahn forcefully stabs you on one of the spikes and leaves you there to die.

mortal kombat chaotic wiki

If your teacher was Quan Chi, you are about to kill Shao Kahn when Quin Chi stabs you with his sword. If your race is generally good and evil, you just walk away, never to be seen again. If your race is generally good, you follow her and bring life to everything. If your race is generally evil, you kill Ashrah and destroy everything yourself. She says she has lied to you and that she was really trying to save everything. You then ask how do we destroy everything and Ashrah tells you something. Ending if with Ashrah: After you single handing killing Shao Kahn, Ashrah thanks you. Teachers: Ashrah (Good) and Quan Chi (Bad).

mortal kombat chaotic wiki

While Sektor died on the first day, you can Kahn fought for 6 days strait but he won and killed you, the last cyborg alive. However, in a 2 on 1 fight with Kahn (Which is a cut scene, not a actual fight) you both get killed. You do so and then, Kahn tries to kill all of the cyborgs at once but you and Sektor live. Then Shao Kahn tells you to kill the rest of his forces. If with Sektor: You join the forces of darkness defeat all things good. However Cyrax got in a battle with Sektor and killed himself so that Sektor would die You became leader of the Shaolins and fought to remember Cyrax's death. Ending with Cyrax: you joined the Shaolin Monks and defeated all evil. They also killed Sub-Zero and made Frost the grand master or, if you were a Cryomancer, you killed Frost and you became the grand master. Ending: After defeating Shao Kahn, the Lin Kuei either A: (if you teacher was Sub-Zero) made peace with all races and clans or (If you teacher was Frost) killed all other races and clans, however, unless you were a Cryomancer, they let your race live and you became ruler of it. Teachers: Sub-Zero (Good) and Frost (Bad). Ending: The realms are in chaos however, in a major plot twist, the Chaosreamlers bring order and are the new rulers of every realm. Teachers: Scorpion (Good) and Havik (Bad). Goal: to bring the universe of Mortal Kombat to chaos.

  • Chaosreamler: Power: imhuman abilities.
  • For example, the Lin Kuei teachers are Sub-Zero and Frost but Sub-Zero is the good teacher while Frost is the bad one. Also if someone is not listed as a teacher, they most likely died in Armageddon.)Įach type of group has 2 teachers trying to get the same goal however one is good and the other is bad. (Note, you do not, for example, have to be a Tarkatan to have your teacher be Baraka however if you were, he would show more respect toward you. Then the player will customize there character, using the customization of Skyrim.
  • And a Zombie, like Liu Kang will use their fist and bites.
  • A Wraith, like Noob, will use swords, hammers, spears and fist for weapons as well as zombies or shadow versions of themselves.
  • Vampires, like Nitara, use claws and their teeth as weapons.
  • *A Tarkatan, like Baraka, will use their blades unless it's a female in which case it will use sais.
  • A Seidan, like Hotaru, with use the armor and weapons from the realm of Order.
  • *A Saurian, like Reptile, will use shape-edged swords and acid.
  • A Outworlder, like Reiko, is also like a human but will use weapons like hammers.
  • Edenians, like Taven, are very much like humans.
  • Cyborgs, like Cyrax, use weapons such as bombs, missiles and pulse blades.
  • A Cryomancer, like Sub-Zero, who uses ice powers.
  • The player can customize there player in MKO. Every teacher has a different ending as well as a couple of missions that you need a certain teacher to do however there are a handful of missions where everyone can do it.

    mortal kombat chaotic wiki

    They then choose a teacher and start on their path to kill Shao Kahn. The player is in a blood-stoked ninja costume and when they make it to a portal they take off the hood and the player chooses what their head is like however every player, no matter what, gets a blood-stoked ninja costume. Also, there are no other players on the first level). Players awaken surrounded by the dead fighters and make their way through the bodies while fighting off scavengers trying to eat them (However on the first level it is impossible to die. Taking place after Armageddon, Shao Kahn has beaten Blaze however some kombatants are still alive and are trying to kill Shao Kahn to take the power for themselves.

    Mortal kombat chaotic wiki